Projects with ATmega.. MCU's

Several sample projects with JSDL and ATmega?? controllers,
realised with Atmel Evaluationboard 2.0 and Add-On Board 1.0 from Pollin.
My development environment consists of:


A simple example using the two keys TASTER1 and TASTER2, two LEDs LED1 and LED2 on the Evaluation Board and the 2 line LCD on the Add-On Board. As controller serves a ATmega8 with 16 MHz clock. The LCD module is connected using a 4-bit wide interface:

Eval. Board
40 pin J4
Addon Board
Pin name
D0 PC0 1 PA1
D1 PC1 2 PA2
D2 PC2 3 PA3
D3 PC3 4 PA4
E PB2 13 PB3
R/W PB1 12 PB4
RS PB0 11 PB5

The program toggles LED1 every 2 seconds (using a SDL timer), LED2 is turned on with TASTER1 and turned off with TASTER2. Two lines of text are displayed on the LCD. Not much, but suitable as a basis for own applications and demonstrating the use of the JSDL-tool and the basic principles of the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layers), see also AVR Project description.

(The SDL project also contains enlargements for the next sample project 'DCF_clock', like for example the process names (DCFclock) or the signals DCF_SIG or DCF_REQ, which are not used here).


The .zip archive also contains the C-code generated by JSDL. The makefile in (jdsl\example\makefile) is generated by JSDL for MS Visual C++ (for the host simulation). Currently there's no makefile for cross-compiling the target software, this is done from inside the Eclipse project.

The directory structure after extracting to e.g. 'JSDL_example':

C-Code of the HAL and general functions (*.[ch])
Name of the JSDL-project
SDL files of the project (*.sdl, *.pcs)
C-Code generated by JSDL (*.[ch])
SDL run-time system (jsdlkern.c, kernel_if.h)


Not yet ready!


Not yet ready!

Last update 16.11.2008 18:52:36